Delta X Wave Soldering Machine
The Vitronics Soltec Delta X wave soldering machine has evolved from a long heritage of soldering machines with thousands in production worldwide. With technology driven features developed over generations the Delta X is a reliable, dependable and cost-efficient wave soldering machine.
Featured Technology and Benefits
Up to three products can be porcessed simultaneously for maximized throughput.

A robust conveyor and chains keep the assembly interface with the wave equal and parallel.
- Multiple lead-screws that are mechanically driven ensure parallel rails: Parallel to 1.0 mm
- Solderpot blocking system guarantees repeatable positioning
- Ensures repeatable interfacing of product to the solderwaves
- Thermal expansion systems on entrance end allows for smooth trouble free operation
Pressure controlled flux supply with stepper motor for precise, repeatable flux application.

Preheat configurations for process flexibility: IR calrod, quartz lamps and forced convection. Modules are easy exchangeable and configurable in the software.

Titanium solder pot components with unique dross management design.
- Standard HD fingers will dramatically reduce finger replacement
- Flexible chain allows for smooth interface and will not warp the assembly due to the thermal expansion

- Ensures proper loading and unloading of the PCB in the fingers
- Mechanical sensitivity adjustment
- Software controlled sensitivity time out and on/off
- Location specific crash alarm and designation

- Optional PCB wire support from fluxer to end of main wave
- Retracts under rail when not in use via down turn cams
- Supports multi-up panels
- 1.5 mm wire
The Delta X platforms tracking systems automatically recognizes the mechanical contact point of all subsystems, these positions can be modified per recipe.
- Allows for recipes independent optimization of wave contact position
- Assists with warped assemblies at wave interface
- Prevents masking of overhanging components
- Keeps excessive flux of pallets, minimizing cleaning

- Accurate and repeatable
- Self-speed calibration
- Heavy duty locking mount of spray nozzle
- Accurate flux deposition by stepper motor control
- Sealed flux delivery system
- Statistical test analysis confirmed high repeatability
- Under rail protection covers prevent flux penetration to underside of rail and conveyor chains
- Ease of use

- Decreases wetting time
- Up to 50% reduction in dross
- Easily retrofitted
- Low cost of ownership

- Patented technology
- Ensures excellent hole fill by producing vertical pressure within the wave
- Allows for soldering certain SMT assemblies with one wave
- Increase wave depth without pumpkin additional solder